The 7-Day Financial Tuneup

The 7-Day Financial Tuneup is the first program released by The New York Times. Programs are a new content type intended to help users achieve a goal by providing specific steps to take, along with tracking and accountability tools.

This weeklong program walks users through simple financial tasks to help them gain better control of their finances and make sure they are planning appropriately for the long-term. Users are onboarded to the program through a simple financial questionnaire. Based on their responses, a tailored set of tasks are emailed to them over the next seven days. 

(The New York Times)

Hilla Katki, product design director 
Sooyeon Kim, product designer
Rosy Catanach, product manager
Karen Barrow, producer 
Cory Borg, developer
Bill French, developer
Katherine McMahan, project manager

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