Medium publications;;

Medium wanted to update its publications product to allow for more expression and visual diversity, enabling everyone from individual bloggers to professional publications to express themselves in a powerful and effective way.

The first step was to bring a new look and feel to some of our current in-house publications: Gen, Zora, OneZero, and Level. The old publication layout (seen below) used the same typefaces and allowed for a single accent color selection.

I designed a set of card types to create more visual variety for story previews on a publication home page. These included full-image card, half-image card, a quote card, and two different story list types:

In collaboration with the brand team, I expanded each publication’s color palette and font selections. The new color palettes included background colors, font colors, and accent colors. Here is Level’s color palette:

We also selected a set of up to three typefaces for each publication. These were used across all of the type components in the Medium design system. Here is GEN’s typographic system:

Finally, here are homepage layouts for GEN, OneZero, and Level that pull together all of these elements (card types, color palettes, fonts):


Hilla Katki, lead product designer
Ryan Hubbard, senior brand designer
Noah Baker, brand designer
Priya Wellington, product manager
Lalit Kapoor, engineering manager
Erik Hinton, developer
Elizabeth Funk, developer
Ken Franqueiro, developer 

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